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Emma Mieth

Write It Down, Make It Plain

We recently gathered to create vision boards for 2022 and beyond! We wrote down different categories that we had vision for and made things specific and plain.

We flipped through magazines to find words and pictures that spoke to us and reminded us of the things we desire and believe for most. As we cut, glued, and pieced every passionate note, our minds flowed with creativity and unlimited certainties of what was and is to come.

Later, we all shared the general ideas of our boards and prayed over one another in those spaces. Interestingly enough, there was a common theme amongst everyone, which is very telling to the way we are wired in freedom. So many people talked about income and wanting the freedom to actually do the creative things God places on our hearts.

God has wired us uniquely in such a way that vision and flow will become our actions and the rooting of our lives if we allow it. Forget about the systems, the traditions, and the ways of living a life without lack. We are one with the Father who first created us and then showed us how to create from the things that set our hearts on fire! We have an unlimited capacity to dream, take action, and create the life we desire to live.

Vision boards help us tune into our hearts cry for abundance in all areas of our lives and they also aid in awakening the hidden dreams and desires that we didn’t know were there! What do you have vision for and how are you going to take action? We are excited for a life of passion, fire, and enjoyment!

Come join us in the fullness!

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